

U of I's web-based retention and advising tool provides an efficient way to guide and support students on their road to graduation. 登录SlateConnect.


莫斯科,ID 83844



星期一至星期五:上午8点.m. 至5点.m.



电子邮件: hr@z3312.com



一旦员工接受了一份工作,就该上船了. The onboarding process involves having the employee complete hiring paperwork, 建立大学账户访问, become familiar with their office and responsibilities and complete required training.

All employees working in the United States must complete a 表格i - 9 on or 之前 their first day of work. Much of the onboarding process cannot be completed until the employee has an I-9 on file, 包括设置大学电子邮件/帐户访问. 因此,它是 强烈推荐 部门要求新员工填写他们的I-9表格 之前 如果可能的话,第一天上班. This will allow the department to move forward with the onboarding process, 这样员工第一天上班就能有个顺利的开始.


在继续下面的步骤之前, the department should ensure that the candidate has accepted an offer and that all necessary pre-employment requirements have been met. 要求可能包括犯罪背景调查, 童工表格, 受控物质测试, 司机记录检查, 等. 看到 招聘网站 了解更多信息.

All employees working in the United States must complete a 表格i - 9, as required by U.S. 公民及移民服务部.


在为新员工准备指导时, 查一下班纳,看他们是否有有效的I-9表格 (check with your department administrator for assistance if you do not have access, 或者不熟悉这个过程).

  • PEAEMPL >  United States Regulatory tab > I-9 Date
  • 无法访问=新员工需要I-9
  • 日期在三(3)年内= I -9是有效的
  • Date is over three (3) years = check NBAJOBS to see if any other active jobs
  • 如果没有其他作业=需要新的I-9
  • If other active job and employee will not have a break in service= I -9 is valid
  • If PEAEMPL shows an "Expiration Date" and the I-9 date is over three (3) years, 联系人事部,看看是否需要新的I-9


如果雇员没有有效的I-9已经存档, instruct them to visit 人力资源 to complete one on or 之前 their first day of work. Note that it will speed up the onboarding process if they are able to complete the I-9 early. 为员工提供:

  • Clear instructions that they must complete their I-9 之前 performing any work, 包括方向, 会议或工作培训
  • 链接到 新员工入职页面 了解如何填写I-9表格. The page includes information on completing a remote I-9 for employees who will not be working in Moscow.
  • 可接受的身份证明形式清单 I-9
  • 他们的正式开始日期
  • Their position classification (temporary, temporary faculty, classified, exempt, faculty)

一旦I-9完工, the supervisor should provide information to the appropriate individual in the department to start an EPAF for the new employee. 请确保所提供的资料准确无误.g., the start date in the EPAF must correctly reflect the first day of work), 因为更正可能导致处理延迟. Also inform them if the employee will be moving from another job on campus.

An EPAF must be on file for the employee to be paid, enroll in benefits, 等.

提交罚单 to the Office of Information Technology (OIT) to set up a university email account, 给新员工配备电脑和/或电话. Note that OIT will need the employee's start date and their Vandal Number, 当他们完成I-9表格时分配给他们的.

Ensure that authorization for the employee to begin work has been issued by 人力资源 on or 之前 the new employee's first day of work. Work authorization is issued after the I-9 is completed and will be confirmed in one of the following ways:

  • 监事 of benefit-eligible staff and faculty will be copied on an email from HR stating the 表格i - 9 has been completed
  • 学生和临时员工将有工作授权卡. “收到”日期戳应在三年内. Check with your department administrator if the date is over three years old.
  • EXCEPTION: If an employee indicates they have started working (or need to immediately start) but do not have the forms of identification required to complete the I-9, they will start their I-9 paperwork at the 人力资源 office and will be granted three days of work authorization. 监事 will receive an email clearly stating the dates the employee is authorized to work.

Prior to their first day, let the new employee know that parking on campus requires a permit. 请参考 停车及运输服务 查看信息和选项.

Provide clear directions on where and when to report for work and ensure someone is ready to greet the new employee. 如果他们还没有这么做的话, make sure the employee visits HR to complete their I-9 and submit a ticket to get them access to email and MyUI as soon as possible.

Meet with the employee during the first week of work to discuss job description and expectations. 回顾你的单位组织结构图, 考勤和请假政策, 请假流程和每周安排. 你也可以提供团队介绍和校园参观.


  • 如适用,安排钥匙或建筑物通道.
  • 引导员工到 新员工入职页面 for information on how to request a VandalCard, set up direct deposit, enroll in benefits, 等.
  • Ensure the employee completes necessary training (more on this below).
  • 人力资源部门强烈建议将新员工与导师联系起来, another employee in their office who they can go to for general information. This is especially helpful for employees who are new to campus and/or to the area.

All new employees must complete required employee training within 30 days of hire. 员工将收到一封来自 员工发展与学习(EDL) 并附有如何进入和完成培训的说明. Check in with the new employee early on to make sure they have been able to access and complete their training.

Some positions may also have additional job-related training requirements or department-specific training. Provide the employee with a training schedule and check in with them regularly to monitor progress.

It is required that all employees have the appropriate supervisor assigned 在旗帜 at all times (regardless of whether they submit a timesheet or not). Designated department administrators should assign the supervisor for the new employee using the 主管指派表格 在旗帜.

提交员工的 校园联系方式 到在线校园目录.


莫斯科,ID 83844



星期一至星期五:上午8点.m. 至5点.m.



电子邮件: hr@z3312.com
